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Free Chicken Coop Plan for Raising Backyard Chickens

Keeping a flock of chicken or raising backyard chicken is getting more and more famous. This increase in the popularity of farming can be linked to various reasons. At the same time there are numerous chicken coop ideas that will come in handy. Now if you have some chickens, then surely you need to have an easy to build chicken coop also. Furthermore, you need not worry about the cost for building these coops, as below are some simple to employ tips and plans that will surely help you. All you need to do is to follow the guidelines in order to build your own backyard chicken coop. Here are the basic chicken coop requirements.

Details to Ponder

Before you start making a chicken coop, there are several things that need your overt and covert attention. Firstly, you must know about the place where you would be keeping the coop. Secondly, you also need to consider the number of chickens you wish to accommodate in the area. Lastly, it is imperative and crucial that you have an idea about the materials that would be required for completing the job. When it comes to the welfare of animals, then being knowledgeable about the needs of the animals is going to guarantee a solid start for you.

The Coop

The prime purpose for the coop is to offer some shelter and protection to your chicken. The coop should be placed in a manner where the chickens might remain safe from the deliberate attacks of the chicken predators which happen to be quite large in numbers. You also need to be specific about the area where you would be leaving them for roaming here and there. It is because the 24 hour sense of confinement can result in a number of irrational and aggressive behaviors from the side of the chickens.

placing the chicken coop

Size of the Chicken Coop

Each coop should be constructed with the minimal capacity of accommodating 4 to 8 chickens with nearly three nests. The most dominant and common mistake in building a chicken coop is making it too small. So, in lines to this need, you need to make sure that each bird is able to get nearly 4 square feet. For keeping nearly 4 birds in a coop, the structure should extend to 4′ x 4′.

size of chicken coop

Other Important Considerations

For making your coop feasible and function, here are the things you need to ensure:

1)      Proper Space for Storage

2)      Chicken Entranceway

3)      Sufficient Ventilation

4)      Enough Lighting

5)      Inward Opening Door that should be able to provide easy access at times of cleaning and egg collection

Types of Chicken Coops

Chicken tractor coops together with the stationary chicken houses are being widely used these days. The tractor mobile coops are designed to provide a complete housing to your chicken. Moreover, some of the people also prefer to have these mobile coops in their lawns for a number of varying reasons. On the other hand, some people prefer the use of the stationary houses in lines to the protection and the resistance to weather these homes offer.

mobile chicken coop

Pros of the Chicken Coop Design

1)      The construction process demands little skills and expertise. Almost anyone can do the job in an effective manner.

2)      The design should be sturdy and durable, as it offers a complete and round the clock protection against the predators.

3)      The design should offer an efficient resistance to the changes in weather that might occur from time to time.

4)      Ease of assembling and reassembling is also crucial in choosing a design. In other words, you should be able to take the structure apart and then merge it with ease at any time you want.

Cons of the Design

1)      It can be quite heavy.

2)      You would be required to free range the chickens or to modulate a separate for them without which the hens might not turn out to be strong.

3)      The structure is stationary due to which you need to be precise about its placing and movement.

The coop should be designed with the windows on the southern side. Moreover, the windows you make should also ensure proper ventilation for the birds. The reason for which the windows are required in the south direction is to allow the cool wind flows to enter the coop at times of the summer season. On the other hand, for the winter season, it is best to make use of the slider windows. Lastly, you should also make sure that there is a fencing area around the coop. For this reason, you can make use of barbed wire or any other evasive material for the predators. Not to forget that some predators are capable of digging from under the ground due to which you need to use some hard and impregnable materials for the floor.

Chicken Coop Materials

Plywood for the Walls and Floor-3 – 4 X 8 X ¾

For the roof-1 – 4 X 8 X ½

2 – 4″ hinges-For the door

1 – 24″ X 24″-for the wiring cloth and cover window

Latches-2 – 4″

Door handle of about 1 – 4″

1-roll of paper for the roofing

3 – 8′-in terms of metal flashing for the roofs and the various edges

12 – 4″-nails for linking the walls to the floor

With all these maneuvers and tactics in mind, you can make your own free chicken coop.

chicken coop material

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About Farhan sheikh

My name is Farhan Ahsan,I am web enthusiast, writer and blogger. I always strive to be passionate about my work. I started my work at the beginning of 2007 by engaging myself with detail reading and exchanging information with others. Since then things and times have changed, but one thing remains the same and that is my passion for helping and educating people, building a successful blog and delivering quality content to the readers. The particular interests that brought me in the world of blogging are gardening, wildlife, nature, farming and livestock.

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One comment

  1. Wow, great information!!
    Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop!

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