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How To Raise Baby Chicks,A Beginners Guide To Backyard Chicken Farming


Backyard chicken farming was widely observed up till the World War II.   The people used to raise the chicken by themselves for eggs and meat. The backyard chicken farming had a variety of merits. It acted as the natural nitrogen fertilization process when chicken perched the food and also a natural controller for bugs and pests. With modernization and industrialization, the chicken farms and chicken breeding on a massive scale emerged. However, with inflation and rise in unemployment, the backyard farming has recently increased. Another reason can be the quality of eggs and meat that the chicken provides. They make excellent pets chicken and they might serve as a significant aspect to spend some good time with your kids while farming. As a result of this increase in the chicken farming concept, you might need handful tips. Let us have a look at the pointers for backyard chicken farming.

 1-Choosing the breed:

The rudimentary thing is the type of breed you choose for farming. The best way of selecting the best breeds is to consult someone who is into this business or browsing it on web. One might buy baby chicks like Jersey Giant, Buckeye, Silkies, Delaware, Polish and Leghorn as an ordinary hen type. Another important thing is going for a hen rather than a rooster. Hens are less aggressive, are easy to handle and also provide good quality eggs.  Go for a rooster as a last option.

different breeds in backyard

2-Chicken houses:

Another pointer is the place where the chicken might be kept. This is a time consuming process because the provision of best area of your house is really necessary for the proper chicken development. The basic thing is providing comfort level to chicken and providing space to them. The chicken in the backyard ought not to be like farms where chicken are hoarded up and lack the space for proper development. Next important thing is the suitable environment all over the year. Whether it is summer or winter, the chicken coops need to be suitable and comfortable to prevent sickness of chicken. The coops should be strong and solid in order to prevent from predators. Proper positioning, height and width of coops must be the prime importance.

chicken house

4-Nutrition (food and water):

The proper food and nutrition is yet another pointer for chicken development. Providing diet is important because this assures the strong bones and good quality eggs of chicken. They need calcium as well which can be provided by mixing oyster shell in chicken feed Nutrition (food and water)


The clean environment of the chicken area is another important thing in ensuring the best possible health of the backyard chicken. Keeping the area tidy and maintaining the cleanliness is essential. This can be done by cleaning it on a regular basis according to proper ways adopted by the best farmers

 6-Prevention from predators:

Preventing the backyard chicken from predators is yet another considerable phenomenon. This can be done by surrounding the area with strong wire mesh all over so that the predators might not penetrate the area. This results in minimum snatching by the predators and reduces the chance of losing the chicken. Prevention from predators

 7- Prevention from diseases:

Preventing your chicken from getting sick or other diseases is also an important task. The hens and baby chicks might suffer from diseases due to damp and untidy habitat, improper diet, viral outbursts or contacting with other sick chickens. This can be avoided by proper cleanliness of the area and proper vaccination on and off.


 Prevention from diseases

8-Advantages of backyard farming with respect
 to cost,egg quality and meat:

The benefits of backyard farming have been discussed time and again. This provides the best quality of eggs and meat to the chicken raisers.Raising your chickens with good quality food, shelter and optimum life conditions help to get the best of the best. Due to inflation, backyard farming is a shrewd option for those who cannot afford costly meet and eggs. This enables them to get economical, cheap and good quality.

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About Farhan sheikh

My name is Farhan Ahsan,I am web enthusiast, writer and blogger. I always strive to be passionate about my work. I started my work at the beginning of 2007 by engaging myself with detail reading and exchanging information with others. Since then things and times have changed, but one thing remains the same and that is my passion for helping and educating people, building a successful blog and delivering quality content to the readers. The particular interests that brought me in the world of blogging are gardening, wildlife, nature, farming and livestock.

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  1. Stephanie Broome

    Every season I struggle with different events. One thing I have found for sure is that I can’t try to raise more than I can handle and keep their environment as best it can be for the chickens. I have trouble with predators, much more this year than in the past. Some is more under control but we free range over a large area so I can’t control it as I wish I could.
    This was excellent advice for the newcomer and a great reminder for those of us that have been enjoying this for a number of years. The chickens are very special creatures who give much in return for what you give.

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