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Breeding Guide

Top 20 Black And White Chicken Breeds For Backyard

Black chicken breeds

Black and white chicken breeds are very striking in their appearance. Their solid white or solid black feathers, or combination of black and white, make for a stunning display in your backyard. Interestingly, some chicken breeds with black feathers have white meat while certain breeds with white feathers have black meat. The blackest of the black have black bone and …

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15 Most Famous Heritage Chicken Breeds


 Are you planning to have a nice and healthy chicken flock? If that is your plan then you must be having a fair idea about the different breeds. Have you heard about ‘Heritage breed’’? Do not worry if you lack information than this excerpt is more of a guiding light for you. Continue to read for better knowledge: Heritage Chicken …

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10 Small Chicken Breeds Great For Mini Backyard Area

Small Chicken Breeds-min

Small chicken breeds are ideal for raising in small backyards. With many homeowners or renters only having a mini backyard area, scaling back on the size of the animals that live in the backyard will allow you more livestock in a smaller space. Some small chicken breeds will produce eggs abundantly, some will only lay an occasional egg and some …

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4 Basic Types of Chicken Breeds for Your Backyard

Types of Chicken Breeds

There are limitless and infinite reasons for backyard chickens. In addition to making coop arrangements, you also need to consider the type of chicken breeds that will be most suited for you. Today, there are nearly 60 different chicken breeds that are distributed all over the planet. Moreover, the same applies to their variants that have been produced by using …

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10 Popular Domestic Geese Breeds And Their Predators

breeds of geese

When it comes to knowing the facts and information about geese, then surely a number of breeds stand out among all others. All of the ancestors of the domestic geese had been derived from the wild species of those times. The European breeds are believed to have originated from the graylag class while the Asian breeds had been obtained from …

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Guide to Select a Right Breeds of Chickens For Backyard

breed of chickens

At the time of launching a poultry farm you do have a wide array of choices to choose from. Chickens have been kept by humans for thousands of years now for a number of different purposes. Due to this domestication, a number of breeds of chicken have been resulted. In a similar way to animals that come in different types, …

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