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Problems faced by small scale poultry farmers in developing countries

According to the reports and surveys conducted by UNDP all over the world, more than 1000 million people suffer from the problem of mal nutrition and come to earn less than 1 US $ per day. One of the major modes of earning for the people of Africa is poultry.

Problems Faced in Family Poultry

Family poultry makes up nearly 80 % of all the poultry products in the developing countries, especially the ones located in Africa. This mode of poultry is indeed of great importance for the people who are in some ways linked to this discipline for their survival.

Water, Electricity and Disease Control Problems

The sector now faces a number of issues and difficulties including water, food, electricity and other major problems. In addition to the challenges posed by the various pathogenic diseases, the farmers also face the problem for low capital. Help from the side of the government and other investment institutions, is all that is needed by them for ensuring health growth and development conditions for the domesticated animals.

High Production Cost and Low Return

Most of the farmers of the third world countries are forced to sale their products at low costs to the suppliers, which in turn earn some large profits from them.

Limited Access to the Core Markets

It is all because of the limited access to the worldwide markets which is barrier in the way of these farmers. As they get little return on what they sale, so they never try to improve the quality of the poultry products and farms. Various significant improvements can be made in these production systems through the use and implementation of the most advanced and scientific practices.

Possible Solutions

In order to provide a solution to the poultry problems, some investment is now being made in those countries and proper steps are being taken to ensure the introduction of scientific research in these countries. But here an important thing to note is the specific economic and social environment of the area which is quite different from the rest of the developed countries.

Technical Training and Assistance for the Farmers

In order to solve the issues, specialized poultry networks and training programs should be introduced in order to provide awareness to the famers about the various diseases, health conditions, strategies and techniques which are necessary to ensure the quality of poultry products and for the better health of the chickens, ducks and other domesticated animals. The poultry producers in Asia and Africa are the ones which face the most number of challenges in comparison to the ones in EU and America.

Implementation of New Policies

Furthermore, the poultry sectors in Africa and Asia should be given due attention by the agricultural policy makers and scientists. Unfortunately, small scale poultry farms are not given due regards by the researchers. It is all because of the fact that there these researchers find no sort of political significance in working in some of the underdeveloped and backward areas of Asia and Africa. In order to ensure the betterment for all, policy makers and poultry tycoons should take some measures for changing the lives of the poultry farmers in the developing countries. The poultry producers should also change their attitudes and efforts in managing the quality of the products and the welfare of all the animals on their farms.

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About Farhan sheikh

My name is Farhan Ahsan,I am web enthusiast, writer and blogger. I always strive to be passionate about my work. I started my work at the beginning of 2007 by engaging myself with detail reading and exchanging information with others. Since then things and times have changed, but one thing remains the same and that is my passion for helping and educating people, building a successful blog and delivering quality content to the readers. The particular interests that brought me in the world of blogging are gardening, wildlife, nature, farming and livestock.

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  1. Karthikeyan.S.CFWA,VPM

    In India not only the small farmers,all poultry (contract rearing) farmers faces heavy loss.No one farmer has not paid the loan from banks due to loss of income.The quality of materials(chick,feed etc) is not up to the mark.Most of time these things were UNDER VALUED which in turn affect the so called resu/lt. Finally the farmer gets poor payment.The Broiler rearing companies doesn”t take the investment of farmer(i.e/-investment of shed & equipment’s).In the last ten years the rearing management cost Has been increased by nearly 200%.But the payment given to the farmer is increased by just 25% only

    • this not not only the problem faced by indian farmers,i live in pakistan,where the cost of feed is increased not so propotionatelly AS broiler meat and egg prizes,actually the broiler prises are determined by the free market forces acording to demand and supply while the feed prises always go up.as the ingridients used in the feed material have their other market value.

    • Thank you for your comment on how most/all poultry farms have had severe losses. Costs have risen 200%(?) and revenue only 25%, in recent years? Would you please elaborate and give me any wisdom you may have. I am planning on building a poultry farm in Uganda to fund an orphanage there.
      Thank you!

  2. iam doing a research on the economic challenges faced by small-scale poultry farmers, and I find the information here useful

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