Save time and money by building a pallet chicken coop using one of these ideas to provide your brood with a safe place to live. Stylish and eco-friendly, you can build your own chicken coop with recycled wood pallets in just one weekend and start enjoying fresh, organic eggs within days. Look through these 29 free chicken coop plans we have found for you round the internet and get started on the road to living a sustainable lifestyle by building your own DIY chicken coop.
1- Getting Free Pallet Chicken Coop
Build a large chicken coop the cheap and easy way with these free pallet chicken coop plans we are going to share with you. Gather free wooden pallets from Craig’s List in your local area and you will have all the lumber needed for building a chicken coop out of pallets. In addition to the lumber, you will need some roofing material and screws to complete this DIY building project.
Each pallet wood slat is typically cut to 37 inches so you won’t have to cut most of the wood. Break down the pallets and select the best wood slats for your building project. Customize the size and height of the new DIY pallet chicken coop by ladyleeshome to accommodate whatever flock size you have.
The pallet wood can be painted or left in its’ rustic, natural state. The pallet wood is strong, sturdy and will last for years as-is but a coat of paint or stain will enable the wood to last a few years longer.

2- Cedar Siding
Get these free pallet chicken coop plans that will show every step of the building process so you will be able to complete it in just one weekend. Download and print the plans for a quick reference during the building process.
How to build: To build this pallet chicken coop just add cedar shake siding to an ordinary pallet chicken coop to elevate it to a thing of beauty. Purchase Cheap bundles of cedar shakes for only $20. Apply cadar shakes to the sides of a DIY pallet chicken coop by instructables that will weather proof the structure of coop and make it look nice. Your chicken flock will have a safe, warm, dry, and secure place to live and you will have a nice structural feature in your backyard. A layer of tar paper is added on top of the pallet wood before the cedar shakes are attached so additional weather proofing.
The coop size can be customized to accommodate the size of flock that you have. The price of eggs has skyrocketed so having your own flock of laying hens will save you a lot of money plus it could bring in extra income. Many people are willing to pay a little more for fresh organic eggs instead of paying the high prices at the grocery store.

3- Building A Pallet Chicken Coop
Build an almost free pallet chicken coop like this one on Youtube with recycled materials! Make a few calls to local businesses and often they will give you wooden pallets and other leftover building materials just to get them out of their way.
Materials needed for this DIY pallet chicken coop project will be wood from pallets, roofing, and screws. A chicken coop the size of this one would cost around $1,000 pre-made but you can build it for practically nothing. This large, sturdy chicken coop can is built from pallets and will provide safe, warm, shelter for a large flock of hens.
Make the calls, gather the materials, and watch this YouTube video so you can build a pallet chicken coop like this one in a weekend.
4- Elevated Pallet Chicken Coop Plan
Use these free pallet chicken coop plans to build a small, elevated hen house by the-shed-and-beyond that allows you to retrieve eggs without bending or going inside the coop unlike other homemade chicken coops we often see. Perfect for an owner with a bad back that want free, organic eggs for breakfast each morning.

5- Easy To Build Pallet Chicken Coop
Look these free pallet chicken coop plans on youtube on youtube and build one like it for your chickens in a weekend. Follow these detailed instructions and build this in a weekend. A few wood pallets and tin for the roof are about all you will need to build this easy pallet home for your backyard chicken flock.
If you need a safe, secure place for your chickens to roost but don’t want to spend a lot of money, watch this YouTube video. These free plans will show you how to transform a few wooden pallets into an attractive and functional chicken coop that will last for years.
This pallet chicken coop was built for under $50. If you have leftover tin roofing on hand then the building project will cost even less. This easy DIY project can be built in a weekend.
6- Rustic Coop
This plan for building a small and rustic coop by homegrownorg is perfect for those who live in a wooded setting. This backyard chicken coop plans create a safe house for the fowl family that blends in with the wooded landscape.

7- Sleek and Modern Pallet Coop
No one will know these hen house plans start with recycled wood pallets by theownerbuildernetwork. The end result is a sleek and modern abode that any chicken would be proud to call home. You can also make this chicken coop moveable by adding tyres to the bottom.

8- Little Red Hen House
When we think of a hen house, most of us have an image of a little red house where the chickens live. This is it. These free pallet chicken coop plans will show you how to build that cute little red hen house in your backyard this weekend.
Happy hens lay more eggs, and this little red hen house will make your hens very happy. The structure will also add to the curb appeal and value of your property.
This DIY pallet chicken coop by avisiontoremember is built off the ground (like the one we discussed earlier) to provide a shady and safe place for the hens to roam and scratch during the day time. The elevation also helps to keep predators out of the hen house.
A side window provides natural light inside the hen house and an exterior door provides easy access to the nesting boxes. You will be able to gather the eggs without going inside the hen house. A ramp built into the bottom of the hen house allows the hens freedom to come and go as they please within the confines of their house and fenced in yard.
Your kids will be wanting a little red hen house like this one to use as an outdoor play house. Since the building cost is cheap you can afford to build two pallet houses — one for the hens and one for the kids. The wood pallet can be obtained for free and leftover building materials, like roofing, windows, and paint, can be used to make the little hen house your own unique design.
The size of this hen house is easy to modify and can be built to house a large or small flock of chickens.

9- Small Pallet Chicken Coop
We suggest this pallet chicken coop by rootsandwingsfurniture those who have a small flock of chickens, it’s ideal for a flock of 2-4 hens. It also fits perfectly into a small backyard. The design is also attractive enough to meet the guidelines of most subdivision rules.
Get these step-by-step plans that will show you how to build this small pallet coop that can be built in a weekend. The coop is elevated off the ground to protect the hens from predators and to provide easy access to the inside of the coop. Gathering the eggs or cleaning the coop won’t be a back breaking experience when the chicken coop is at this height.

10- Country Style Chicken Coop
We recommend this DIY pallet chicken coop for a country style homestead. It’s an ideal addition that will complement a farmhouse style home decor. This adorable and practical chicken coop can be built in a weekend and it will last for years.
The hens live on the upper level and have a fenced in chicken run underneath. They will be safe and secure both day and night. The nesting boxes are easy to access from the outside of the chicken coop so you will be able to gather eggs and clean the nesting boxes easily.
Upcycle pallets and roofing material so this DIY chicken coop by nation.ryobitools will be very inexpensive to build. This stylish country style coop will require some carpentry skills but anyone with a little knowledge of measuring and cutting should be able to build this coop.
An attractive, functional, and practical chicken coop like this one made from upcycled pallet wood will also add value to your property.

11- Chicken Shed
The She Shed has grown in popularity and a chicken shed like this one will make a perfect companion building. I think this cute chicken shed made from recycled pallet wood by onehundreddollarsamonth will look good in any backyard. It’s almost free to build and can be completed in just one weekend.
To build this pallet chicken coop you will need a few wood pallets, a couple of used windows, roofing shingles, netting, and hardware for this DIY project. The netting will be placed on one side of the chicken shed to create a safe outdoor space for the chickens to move around in. Depending on how many of the items you can for free, this delightful little pallet chicken shed can be built for under $50 or less.
Placing used windows in the design will provide natural light inside the chicken shed and allow you to look inside at your flock of hens. For an added touch of charm, build a flower box from some of the pallet wood and attach it to the side of the shed. Place the flower box high enough up on the shed so the hens can’t reach it because they do enjoy the taste of greenery and flowers.

12- Under $50 Pallet Chicken Coop
If you need to build a chicken coop but your budget is tight I suggest that you watch this YouTube video. It will show you how to build a good looking and functional pallet chicken coop for under $50.
Building a chicken coop out of pallets won’t get any easier or cheaper than this model. All you will need is a few used wood pallets, a window, roofing material, and some hardware. All the building components can be put together in a weekend so your hens will have a safe and secure place to live. The nesting box is easy to access from the outside so you will only have to go inside the coop when it’s time to clean it out.
This DIY chicken coop is perfect for a small flock in a small backyard. You can add a coat of paint to the coop to make it look nice in your backyard. Any color of leftover paint will work great since the coop is small it won’t take much paint.
13- Large Chicken Coop
This pallet chicken coop design is the one I love the most for a large flock. It’s ideal for a homestead that intends to raise meat chickens as well as laying hens. The chicken coop on Youtube is large and has an attached, secured chicken yard so the hens can go in and out as desired.
It will take wood from a lot of reclaimed pallets to build this large chicken coop but the upcycled pallets will save you a lot of money on this large project. You will also need OSB board, 2x4s, roofing material, fencing, and hardware to build this pallet chicken coop. Some experience in carpentry will also be needed.
The cost for this pallet wood chicken coop is the most expensive so far but it’s still a low-cost option for a large flock of hens.
14- Simple Pallet Wood Hen House
Nothing fancy about this one but it serves the purpose and costs very little to build. If all you want is a simple house for your hens, I would recommend this easy to build hen house by palletswoodenprojects.
Created from wood pallets, the design is a simple oblong wood box with a tin roof. It is built off the ground on wood legs to help keep the predator out and the hens safe. The nesting box is built onto the back and can be accessed from outside.
The front door and off the ground design will make it easy to enclose an area with chicken wire to make an outdoor space for your hens. It will only take a few used pallets and one weekend to build this hen house.

15- Shabby Chic For Chickens
If shabby chic is your style preference, I recommend you take a look at this pallet wood chicken house design. The floor and walls are created from upcycled pallets and the chicken coop by diydoctor is topped with a tin roof. The pallet wood is left in its natural color and a colorful bucket is suspended from a hook on the outside to be used for gathering eggs to complete the shabby chic look.
This attractive hen house can be built in a weekend and the cost will be minimal. It’s an ideal addition to your backyard flock of hens and will add value to your property.

16- Pallet Chicken Run
As we know chickens love to scratch in the soil and search for small bugs to supplement their diets. They also need a safe place to roam around while they are scratching in the soil. This chicken run created from wood pallets is an ideal way to provide a safe, outdoor environment for your flock.
Follow these free chicken coop plans for using wood pallets by to build an outdoor extension for the chicken coop. Your chickens will be kept safe and confined so they won’t get into your vegetable or flower garden and scratch your plants up.
The wood pallets are stood up on their sides and secured into the ground with fence posts to create an enclosed outdoor space for your chickens. As an extension of the chicken coop, the hens can go in and out as they please.
This pallet chicken run is easy to build in a weekend and the cost is minimal.

17- Large Pallet Chicken Coop
When a large house and run space is needed for your fowl family, these step-by-step instructions on how to build a chicken coop from pallets by backyardchickens is just what you need. You can still get this built within a weekend and reap the benefits for years to come.

18- Small Fowl House
Functional and small chicken coop, this fowl house is as cute as a backyard doll house. Perfect for achieving a shabby-chic look in your backyard.

19- Easy Chicken Coop Plans
Easy does it with these step-by-step plans for a backyard chicken coop by backyardchickens. Easy and attractive, your chickens will want to go inside before all the walls have been erected.

20- Cheap and Easy
Cheap and easy can still look nice in your landscape when you follow these picture-heavy plans for building your own backyard hen house by thehomesteadingboards. No one will guess this recycled hen house is made from pallets.

21- Small and Simple Pallet Chicken Coop
When you just need to provide a safe roost for a couple of chickens each night, check out these simple plans that transform wooden pallets into a small and simple hen house by scrapsoffive.

22- Safe and Secure Pallet Coop
Make your chickens feel safe and secure by building them a small, yet functional, hen house with these free pallet-building plans by aranchmom.

23- Walk-In Pallet Chicken Coop
Use these free pallet chicken coop plans by summersacres to build a tall, walk-in coop that will give you and your chicken room to grow into. Walk-in hen houses make for easy cleaning, egg-gathering and general maintenance. See the building plans at

24- Pallets and Upcycled Lumber
Construct this adorable country hen house with pallet wood and upcycled lumber. If you live in an area that has a building code but still want a couple of chickens, this hen house should pass inspection. It is small, does not obstruct the view, and would look nice in any backyard.
Use these instructions for building a chicken coop out of pallets by nation.ryobitools this weekend. Then, head over to your local farmers markets and buy a few hens and you will be eating fresh eggs next week.
A small flock of laying hens will supply you with almost two dozen eggs per week. And with the price of eggs so high, everyone should have a couple of laying hens in their backyard.

25- Stylish Chicken House
If you are considering getting a backyard chicken flock, you will need a house for them. Chickens roost at night and a place for them to forage during the day will keep the flock out of the weather and safe from predators.
This stylish chicken house made from recycled pallet wood by onehundreddollarsamonth will provide your flock with everything they need and it will look good in your backyard. This pallet chicken coop design is an all-in-one hen house that provides shelter, nesting boxes, and fenced in access to the outdoors. These free plans will provide you with detailed written instructions as well as a pictorial progression of the building process.
This pallet chicken coop design may cost a little more than the other ones we discussed above, but it does look very nice when completed. This would be an ideal hen house for anyone living in a subdivision where building restrictions may be enforced. You will be able to enjoy the companionship of live chickens and enjoy fresh eggs without taking away from your view of the outdoors.

26- Cheap Chicken House
Build a cheap chicken house using the wooden slats from recycled pallets. You will also need some roofing material and hardware but a pallet chicken coop like this one will cost less than $50 to build.
Watch this YouTube video and follow the detailed plans to build a DIY pallet chicken coop like this Youtube one this weekend. It’s a great way to get started raising chickens and having fresh organic eggs without spending a lot of money on start-up costs.
If you want to save money, use recycled building materials, and have a chicken house that will keep your hens safe, build a pallet chicken coop like this one. This design also makes gathering eggs and cleaning out the nest very easy.
27- Large Chicken Coop
Watch this YouTube video to discover how you can take small wooden pallets and build a very large DIY pallet chicken coop like this one on Youtube with recycled wood. You will also need OSB board, roofing material, and hardware to complete the build. Even though this is a large chicken coop it can still be built in one weekend if you gather all the building materials first.
If you are planning on expanding your flock of yard birds, then they will need a large house to live in. This is a great idea for a big family living on a homestead or if you are looking to sell eggs or baby chicks to bring in more income.
If you are planning on expanding your flock of yard birds, then they will need a large house to live in. This is a great idea for a big family living on a homestead or if you are looking to sell eggs or baby chicks to bring in more income.
Using recycled pallet wood will save you a lot of money on this DIY project. Chickens are social creatures and love to interact with you, plus provide you with wholesome, high protein eggs.
28- Off Ground Chicken Coop
Keep your flock happy and safe with an off ground pallet chicken coop by palletswoodenprojects like this one. Built with recycled pallet wood and topped with a tin roof, this is the ideal place for your hens to lay their eggs. And since it is built a few feet off the ground, the hens naturally climb up the ramp and enter the hen house to roost at night. Close the door and your flock will sleep safely all night.
This is a great hen house to build for a large homestead. It is cheap and easy to build, plus it is sturdy and will last for several years. You can build it in one weekend and it will last for several years. Add a coat of paint to protect the wood and make it look nice.

29- Rustic Chicken Coop
The rustic design of this pallet chicken coop by diydoctor is adorable! The design also keeps the building costs and time involvement down to a minimum.
Build this rustic hen house in one weekend for a small flock of backyard chickens. The design makes it easy to incorporate it into your landscape design or to make the hen house the focal point of your backyard.
These free, step by step instructions will enable you to build one just like it. This chicken coop can be customized to suit the size of the flock that you have. It will keep the predators out and your chickens safely inside. This pallet chicken coop would also be great for turkeys, dusks, or guineas.

Summing Up
Pallet chicken coops are easy to build and are not expensive too so you can build your own chicken coop without spending a lot of money on building. You can select any of these pallet chicken coops to make your own depending upon the shape and size that best suits your needs.
And, we hope you also have the inspiration and guidance you need to build your own coop. We’d love to hear how your own chicken coop adventures go and any questions you have in the comments!
How many pallets do I need to build a chicken coop?
That depends on the size of the chicken coop you plan on building, the design of the coop, and the condition of the wood. You could build a small chicken coop with only 5 pallets but a large one might require 50 pallets.
Get extra when possible. You may want to expand the chicken coop and need more lumber.
Is pallet wood safe for chickens?
Yes, most of it is safe. Most pallet wood has not been treated with chemicals and they are created from rough sawn lumber. Avoid any pallet marked “MB”. This means the pallet was treated with methyl bromide, a toxic chemical that could be hazardous to chickens.
As long as all the nails are removed, no unknown substance has been spilled on the wood, and the broken pieces with jagged edges are not used, the chickens will be safe.
Is pallet wood waterproof?
Pallet wood is raw wood. It has never been treated with any type of water-resistant product. While it is not water proof, it will help to keep chickens dry during a rain storm for a little while. Once the wood becomes saturated the rain water will begin to drip inside the chicken coop. Cover the pallet wood with some type of water proof roofing material.
Can you get pallets for free?
Yes, you can and free wood to build with will keep your pallet chicken coop costs down to the bare minimum.
To find places that offer free pallets, think about the businesses that would buy bulky, heavy items. Items like that are often stacked on pallets and covered in shrink wrap before being shipped out to the business.
Check garden centers, hardware stores, furniture stores, and building supply stores. Sometimes they can be found around dumpsters or offered on a local online sale site.