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Knowledge Centre

6 considerations for building chicken coop nesting boxes

One of the nature’s most prime and useful product can be availed from the use of the nesting boxes. When it comes to the process of raising backyard chicken, numerous dimensions and factors might demand your utmost attention. The eggs that are bought from the stores are quite different from the ones you obtain from the home based settings. The …

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Quick View of Poultry Farming in 10 Developing Countries

Global poultry and trade of the poultry products has shown a major change in the past 40 years. Moreover, between the year 1970 and 2005 the poultry meat and levels of egg production had increased in a manner like never before. In other words, it can be asserted here that the trade of the poultry meat had increased in a …

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmentally Controlled Poultry Farm (30,000 Birds) in Pakistan

The poultry farm is one of the most crucial components of the livestock sector. On a daily basis, millions of day old chicks are feed on high diet proteins all over the country. Furthermore, there are a number of reasons for which the white meat is now being preferred over the red meat. In addition to being comparatively cheaper to …

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Tips for keeping coyote away from your chicken or livestock

Coyotes belong to a class of animals which are considered to be very smart, innovative and opportunistic. Their smartness can be analyzed from the fact that they can drop the lunch boxes to the school children by chasing them. Number of coyotes are increasing day by day that is why they are becoming brave and courageous. They are also getting …

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