1-Dream House Chicken Coop Idea

2-World’s Greatest Chicken Tractor

3- Classy Chicken Coop Design in South Dakota!!

4-Intergalactic Chicken Coop Design Idea
It’s just like a shape of rocket, made of wood, can contain upto 8 chickens.

5-Henhouse On Wheels
This is the best chicken coop design idea I’ve seen, outstanding design,have wheels, so can say it’s a mobile chicken coop

6-Wolf Proof Chicken Coop Design Idea
Wolf proof coop! No wolf will be blowing this down! It’s made from solid material, will not affect by rain, storm or allow predators to break or tear it..
7-Creative Chicken Coop Design
This is awsome coop design idea. You can see how much the owner spend on it.

8-Dream Garden with Chicken Coop Idea
This is very good looking, can accommodate up to 20 chickens. If I could have a dream garden with a chicken coop, this would be it

9-Chicken Coop and Room Idea
If you want to spent all time with chickens than this is good idea, full-time maid needed coop.

10-Gypsy Chicken House Idea
Gypsy caravan hen house – hilarious!!! This is an excellent chicken coop idea, like a tractor chicken coop.

11-Chicken Coop with Run

12-Hobbit Hole Chicken Coop

13-Under Ground Chicken Coop Design
Underground Chicken Coop idea – Not sure it would work in our back yard but I’d love something like this if I lived in the country. Would work great to help balance temperature
14-Chicken Coop Hoop House

15-Mini Tractor Chicken Coop

16-Taj Mahal Chicken Coop
Taj Mahal of chicken coops. Could be sectioned off for different feathered friends..

17-Rustic Chicken Coop Design Idea

18-Artistic and Creative Chicken House

19-Simple Chicken Coop Design Idea
This is a simple,made out not with costly material but looks fantastics

20-Simple and Easy

I wish I had one like this for my chickens. Awesome!
Theses are wonderful. We moved to Southern Oregon nearly three years ago and now I am ready to begin again to have chickens. I love chickens. It is barely 6:00 am. When my husband gets up, I’ll serve him your website with his morning tea.
Such cool ideas! I wonder if I can find enough rocks on my property to do #6, #13 would be great in areas that are dry and hot, unfortunately I’d probably drown my chickens here.
I really like the intergalactic chicken coop!
Great ideas except for maybe the Coop with a Room, not sure that one would be a great idea. Unless that person has much more polite chickens then I have ever had chickens tend to poop pretty much anywhere, everywhere, and non-stop, does not jive well with a comfortable living area. Even so the idea is awesome.
Thanks for sharing all of these great coop ideas, makes me feel like I need to upgrade.
The Broke Dad