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Tag Archives: pictures

What is Organic/non organic chicken its realities,requirements/ how organic chicken are grown

What is Organic Chicken We all know about organic fruit and vegetables but did you know that you can now buy organic chicken? People must have heard about the nasty conditions which broiler chickens – which are bred for their meat – are raised in? These chickens have no more floor space than a sheet of A4 paper. Chickens are …

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4 prodent methods of disposal of different types of poultry wastes

DISPOSAL/MANAGEMENT OF POULTRY WASTES The method of disposal of poultry wastes plays major role in con- -trolling and eradication of diseases. Improper approach and care­lessness of this important aspect of production process in poultry, can lead to constant emergence of disease ailments on poultry farms. This results in heavy losses in the forms of mortality and reduced productive performance. Therefore, …

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5 ideal Uses/advantages of poultry Chicken Manure/Litter

   The Use of Chicken litter/manure in Animal Feed Poultry Wastages like Litter or Manure can be used for different purposes just like as input to animal feed. Recycled animal wastage such as  processed chicken litter or manure have been used as ingredients to animal feed for many years, These wastages contains  various amount of  minerals, fiber  and protein. They …

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15 tips for collecting and cleaning fresh eggs

Keeping chickens in the backyard is amongst the most beneficial hobbies; I have adopted this habit of raising chicks and chickens from my forefathers. It is indeed very exciting and rewarding, as the cute little fellows run here and there through the driveway. Sooner, the day would come when your little fellows would transform into big beautiful hens and you …

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Current Economic/Market Analysis Of Pakistan Poultry Industry

Overview of Pakistan Poultry Poultry is an integral component of Pakistan’s economy. The Poultry contribution of GDP in Pakistan is nearly 1.1 % and is nearly 4.8 % in terms of the agricultural GDP. Furthermore, the sector also comes to employ nearly 1.5 million people. The poultry meat is still one of the cheapest means for the people to get …

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Pre-Feasibility Study Environmentally Controlled Poultry Farm (30,000 Birds) in Pakistan

The poultry farm is one of the most crucial components of the livestock sector. On a daily basis, millions of day old chicks are feed on high diet proteins all over the country. Furthermore, there are a number of reasons for which the white meat is now being preferred over the red meat. In addition to being comparatively cheaper to …

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Tips for keeping coyote away from your chicken or livestock

Coyotes belong to a class of animals which are considered to be very smart, innovative and opportunistic. Their smartness can be analyzed from the fact that they can drop the lunch boxes to the school children by chasing them. Number of coyotes are increasing day by day that is why they are becoming brave and courageous. They are also getting …

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