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Backyard Chicken

5 Tricks to Break Up the Hen’s Brooding

What is meant by Broodiness and broody hen? A hen is capable of laying around 1  eggs on a daily basis. Moreover, the hen does not prefer to incubate the eggs until the entire clutch has been laid. Through the use of this strategy, all the chicks hatch right at the same time. The physiological mechanisms and the broody hen …

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20 Stunning Chicken Coops Design Ideas For Your Lovely Birds

chicken coop designs

Raising chickens in backyard is always inspiring as they are adorable, lovely and at the same time returns back to you eggs and meat for what you feed them. Most people are raising backyard chickens as a hobby, pet or ornamental purposes, since they are living being so have some needs or requirements you have to full such as providing …

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4 Basic Types of Chicken Breeds for Your Backyard

Types of Chicken Breeds

There are limitless and infinite reasons for backyard chickens. In addition to making coop arrangements, you also need to consider the type of chicken breeds that will be most suited for you. Today, there are nearly 60 different chicken breeds that are distributed all over the planet. Moreover, the same applies to their variants that have been produced by using …

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Guide For Introducing New Chicks With Older Flock

Since ages people have been raising various kinds of poultry birds in their backyards. True that, those are attached to this kind of work aim to expand their collections for fun; it’s indeed enslaving hobby. I have seen a live example in my family; my father is fond of keeping backyard birds. We have turkey, guinea fowl and lots of …

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Guide to Select a Right Breeds of Chickens For Backyard

breed of chickens

At the time of launching a poultry farm you do have a wide array of choices to choose from. Chickens have been kept by humans for thousands of years now for a number of different purposes. Due to this domestication, a number of breeds of chicken have been resulted. In a similar way to animals that come in different types, …

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16 Reasons that May Lead to Decrease in Egg Production

A large number of people love to keep backyard chickens for egg production. There might be numerous reasons for this habit. But it really feels amazing to collect eggs from all the next boxes. In other words, gathering eggs from the nest boxes is one of the greatest joys of keeping the backyard chicken. If dealt in a proper manner, …

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Benefits of Herbs for Chicken Health

The trends of taste among people have been changing quite drastically. In older days, people use to give priority to vegetables more as compared to meat food. But now it’s the opposite. And in this, the usage of chicken has been in the top of the list. The increase in the consumption of chicken by people belonging to different countries …

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13 tips to protect your chickens from hot weather

Each of the united state regions is now broiling – wonder why the heat wave seems to have adored this place. Humans have ample amount of ways to counter this igneous heat but what about the animals around? I am being specific about our backyards fellows and other feathered creatures because they are absolutely innocent and rely on us for …

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10 tips to train your hen to lay eggs in her nest box

Are you pissed at your cute chubby hens because of their annoying habits? Relax, that is normal for the poultry dwellers. My 10 years experience has lead me to  conclude, you may not agree with it but my opinion remains the same – hens love laying eggs everywhere except for the place where they should. When I bought hens for …

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